Monday, September 24, 2007
i happened to come across this website,
Fur Is Dead.
The fur ads you might see in magazines and commercials portray fur coats as a symbol of elegance. But these ads fail to show how the original owners of these coats met their gruesome deaths. Millions of fur-bearing animals including foxes, raccoons, minks, coyotes, bobcats, lynxes, opossums, nutria, beavers, muskrats, otters, and others are killed each year on fur farms.To kill the animals without damaging their fur, trappers usually strangle, beat, or stomp them to death. Animals on fur farms may be gassed, electrocuted, poisoned with strychnine, or have their necks snapped. These methods are not 100 percent effective and some animals "wake up" while being skinned.
Animals can languish in traps for days. Up to 1 out of every 4 trapped animals escapes by chewing off his or her own feet, only to die later from blood loss, fever, gangrene, or predation.
Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.
Martha Stewart renounces fur:
Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.
Canada's killing fields:
Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.
dogs and cats fur trade:
Help Stop the Cruel Fur Industry.
Bloody Burberry:
Burberry may be best known for its distinctive plaid, but its use of real fur is making the design house synonymous with cruelty to animals. Burberry continues to use fur in its designs despite the fact that leading clothing retailers like J.Crew, Ann Taylor, Polo Ralph Lauren, and others have pulled fur from their stores forever.
Animals on fur farms spend their entire lives confined to cramped, filthy wire cages, where they are exposed to all weather conditions. They often go without adequate shelter, clean water, and veterinary care, and they are denied the opportunity to engage in natural behaviors like climbing, burrowing, and swimming. The intensive confinement causes many of them to go insane.
Fur farmers use the cheapest and cruelest killing methods available, including suffocation, electrocution, gassing, and poisoning. Many animals are electrocuted by having rods inserted into their rectums and 240 volts sent through their bodies. The animals convulse, shake, and often cry out before they have heart attacks and die. Crude killing methods aren't always effective, and sometimes animals "wake up" while they are being skinned.
Burberry knows about the suffering that goes into every fur-trimmed coat, hat, and bag, yet the company continues to use fur in its designs. With so many fashionable, comfortable alternatives available, there is no excuse for Burberry to continue.

While Adidas has taken a compassionate step by pledging that it will not use the leather of tortured Indian animals and offers several synthetic athletic shoes, it continues to directly support the cruel slaughter of kangaroos to make the Adidas Predator kangaroo-skin shoe. Along with Viva!, PETA recommends a boycott of Adidas products. Please visit
Save the Kangaroo for more information.
You can know more from
Fur Is Dead.
Support anti-fur and post this on your webbies. The poor animals will much appreciate your little effort.
6:53:00 PM
well, the chalet is finally over and eli is right. this chalet gonna be a mess and yes, it is a mess. fights, quarrels and bla bla bla. had the worst b'day cake- cream cake. o.O received numbers of angbaos from my aunts and presents from my cousins. (: the best bday gift- ivan's handmade sand paint. love it. haas.
i decided to blog bout my weekends cos i enjoyed. (:
darl booked out and of cos, i met him. (: however, on his way to fetch me, he met with a minor accident. the traffic was heavy on cte and the car infront of him managed to stop on time. but one mitsubishi bang his car boot and another suzuki swift bang the mitsubishi. his car was in the best condition thou (from what he described to me). lol.
we met up with my cousin, jinghui, and liyu too. ages since i was out with liyu. miss her. lalalas. we had fish market for dinner. liyu and me shared the seafood platter. taste nicer than the one that i shared with sokwei at fish&co. didn't finished it thou. after so, went to watch rouge assassin at plaza singapura. the show is bloody but there's a good story twist. after the movie, went to arab st to meet marcus and nic for sheesha section. finally again, i met marcus. miss him loads. haas. went home ard 3 and i stayed over his place.
the way they do it:
our seafood platter.
slept at 4 on the day before and we wake up ard 8plus. accompanied him to the idaec (not sure of the spelling) to do his accident report and went to one workshop at sin ming rd to do his car. the workshop got him a camry as a replacement car. the car and the colour is way too uncle. lol. i rather he drive his altis. he could go to cycle and carriage to repair his car thou and at least, he could drive mercs. however, cycle and carriage is closed on weekends whereas he is in camp on weekdays. after the paperwork and everything, went back to his place and bathed.
went home to change, got mooncakes from my aunt and we went town to meet rufus and jolene. jos was there too. rufus and jolene went home after awhile and sokwei met me on that day too. had chicken rice at lucky plaze. i prefer the one at far east thou. we walked to heeren and i saw my mum. woo, thank god i wasn't puffing away. lol. walked at heeren and bought some lil things for myself. haas. had coffee at nydc. ky and ah bao came to find us awhile and went cine for movie. darl and me went home around 11 cos i wasn't feeling well. sokwei went to meet ace. rufus and the rest was over his place and we drink. had this drink, absin, with 60% of alcohol and its banned in singapore. woo. that drink really has the kick man. haas. and after that, we went to bed. lalalas. some random pics that was taken that day;
his act cute 1-5 pose:
still the girl. sokwei(:
sunday:accompanied him for haircut and went to amk hub to find his sis with cheryl and jr0ng. had pepper lunch for lunch. (: went back to his place and then we went ikea. cheryl and i wanted to buy a dustbin to put over the brothers' place and we were shopping for wardrobe too. wahaas. ended up, we didnt got what we want but i bought a jug to put in his room. lol. yeah, send him back to camp and home sweet home. (:
4:15:00 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
yeah, i'm having prelims now and yet i'm sick. oh man. sitting in the hall during mid years was already uncomfy enough for me. and i still have to sit in the hall during prelims when i'm sick. how nice. o.O
something very bad had happened to jos ytd. he got into an accident. he called me ytd night while i was going thru my history and of cos, i went down to tan tock seng. i had no idea where tts was till i went there. i thought it was near outram but its a s'rgoon. dumb me. =x i think his right shoulder muscle was teared.and he had bruises on his arm and back. feel sad for him. and he told me his bike was crashed. i feel the pain for him. his bike is his precious. nevermind thou, what matters is that he's alright. thank god.
been reading blogs and i realised many of them had grown up and changed. hmmm, what will i become when i got out of uniform life? i wonder. lols. and talking about studies, i'm worried that if i don't score well for my o'lvls, my daddy will send me to austrillia. i don't wanna study there. i will be all alone and my family and friends will be here in singapore. stressed out. and oh, i'm putting on weight recently so i gotta be on diet soon. (:
i missed my dear cheryl and sokwei. haven't been meeting up with them recently. cheryl, busy with work and boyfriend. sokwei, busy with school and boyfriend. poor eli is left alone at home when her boyfriend is in camp. wahhaas. nevermind, i'll be seeing them soon this weekend yar? cheers!
love you girls. and i miss famous five.
4:23:00 PM