Tuesday, January 29, 2008

This is a very unstable year for those who are born in the year of the horse.
The assistance that you can get from others is very minimal this year.
Hence, it is important for you to make the best conscious effort to reduce the challenges you will have to face this year by being alert and prepared for all eventualities.
There are many challenges this year. This includes overspending, being cheated by others, making losses in investments and getting involved in legal situations
Keep to a safe and conservative approach this year to stabilize your life instead of trying too much.
The ripples that you create might cause a huge wave that swallows you later.
There are people trying to cheat you this year. Do not trust others easily.
Not only are they looking to cheat you in a monetary sense, they also will try to steal your opportunities.
You can still be nice and yet hold a very strong conviction of not sharing sensitive and confidential information.
kinda true i think, haha.
i nearly got caught for being an underage smoker today and luckily, the police guy didn't realise that i was smoking.
guess the reason is cause there is another bunch of typical lians and bengs,
and he got distracted away. haha.
talking about underage smoker, i suddenly feel so young.
i'm so used to early 20s life that i realised i'm still underage.
when i turn 18, i think i will feel old.
its like people are asking me how old am i this year,
and i find it weird to say i'm 18 this year but i have not yet pass my b'day.
doreen sis was telling me the age theory the other day. haha.
when you're not yet a teen, time travels slow enough which you feel like its crawling.
when you're already a teen and not yet 18, its like cycling.
after when you turn 18, its like driving in a mercedeez, happy yet kinda fast.
but after you reach the age of 21, it will feel like you're sitting in a rocket.
its like, boo! its another year and when you realise, you're a year older. haha.
ps: if jos happen to read this prediction, he will definitely laugh his ass out.
cause he says i'm too stupid and slow to react to my surroundings. how nice eh. =x
loves, eli.
7:37:00 PM
Monday, January 28, 2008
had a super duper
greeeeeeeeat weekend despite the lousy weather at sentosa yesterday.
saw many golden retrievers at sentosa, cute eh! heh.
lousy weather affects one's mood, i totally agree.
though the weather really causes a BIG thing,
i believed i'm not the only one who enjoyed last weekend. (:
anyway, baby compensate me with the black face yesterday.
couldn't sleep last night cause both of us had dozed off after dinner,
he sang to me and pat me to sleep though he is still tired.
how sweeeeeeeeeeeet of my boy is to do that.
well, i think all the unhappiness and unfairness i faced is all worth it,
cause i have such a sweetie. heh. (:
freakin' hell.
registration for jae is already closed,
and i didn't manage to register.
australia, a BIG no no no no for me.
ngee ann is the only poly which offers the course that i wanna go,
i ain't eligible for the course cause i failed my science with a f9.
no regrets, cause my knowledge for that is happily stuck at secondary 2 level,
know this fact for 3years! haha.
and i lost interest in it when i was in secondary 3 due to scary fingers(3e4'05).
ps: i just realised, it is my science which pulled me down.
slow, i know. =x
so private is my concentration now but i have yet to discuss with my daddy.
studying business will be my last resort, cause that's the only way i can convince him to let me stay in s'pore.
maybe i love s'pore tooooo much that's why i don't wanna leave, crap i know. =x
cause i can never take it when i'm alone, he might jolly well stab me in my heart.
i'm never independent and street-wise.
jos says that i will be cheated less than a week. how nice of him. haha.
might be meeting happypill for dinner later,
and off watching teeeeviiiii. lame shit. hahahaa.
4:26:00 PM
Friday, January 25, 2008

6:16:00 PM
results out,
and like what i had expected,
my a-maths pull me down, real down.
never mind, i expected it,
i can't turn back time. haha.
my dad says that he will rather me to do my diploma in australia than pay to the private schools in singapore,
at least, i won't have distractions.
what an ass man.
whatever, and when i'm in hall,
classmates and friends are asking,
"eh, why you like not scare nor excited ah?"
did my hair today,
highlight a dark tone with black,
so there isn't any big difference.
people are telling me its a waste of money,
what matters is i like it! haha.
so, who cares. heh.
finally, baby is booking out tomorrow.
1:58:00 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008
people are calling me and asking,
"how're you feeling?
getting results tomorrow eh?
excited, worry, scare?"
yeh, i am. damn hell worry,
as if. o.-
since when is eli concern bout' her academic work? haha.
whatever, not the topic for this post.
i'm feeling so depressed/listless/despondent/gloomy/glum.
you name it. i don't feel good for the whole of today.
why? cause baby ain't replying my messgaes.
why? cause he is having outfield and damn it,
no reception at the very damn place he is at right now. wtf.
the worst thing is,
he could barely sleep cause of whatever enemy attack with whatever objective.
lame shit, wth.
and the only time he can have his eyes shut is when the tank is moving,
which takes less than half and hour,
and the tank is crowded with people.
the poor boy gotta squat in the tank and sleep.
despite all these, he was being very optimistic bout it' though.
cause he likes play warfare. LMAO.
urgh, just couldn't get a piece of mind when he is having outfield.
he will complain to me bout' the charity he had done,
blood donation to those horny mosquitoes.
what an ass man.
argh, his outfield is going to kill me by the time he books out.
the world is so bloody hell unfair,
those assholes get good repayment,
and mr nice-s get shits.
what a fair fair world uh,
driving me crazy!!
12:05:00 AM
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
i'm gonna official announce eli is no longer working.
yeh, very happy. (:
went clubbing with the ladies last sat, DXO.
missing princess,
just feel so weird without her presence at club.
sighs.anyway, got forced to bottoms up 4 cups of nic with the bartender.
before that, i have been drinking quite a lot.
if any of my family members is there,
i'm bound to get drunk,
i was already drunk i think.
but i seems to be in a perfect condition,
no puking and no whining.
its all determination, i guess. (:
but i hafta pull myself together,
cause the rest were all in the mess.
luckily, the ladies get to reach home safe and sound.
and i just went KO when i reach home. heh. (:
i guess baby is booking out this friday.
misses real bad cause didn't really have time together last week.
poor boy, having outfield for the whole of this week.
stay out somemore,
looking forward to his ORD. heh. (:
gotta go and off to bed,
lights out!!
4:07:00 AM
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
right, i'm craving for durian tarts from emicakes.
i remember,
when i was a child, very very young,
i ate the whole box of durian tarts,
and i fell sick immediately the next day. haha.
from then on, my mummy only allow me to eat 2 to 3 tarts at a go.
but now, i'm alr a teen,
i can finish the whole box at one go,
who cares? heh.
gonna buy them those delicious tarts tomorrow!
(okay i know, self-high. haha)anyway, ivan had lost his ds lite,
which was bought for him as his b'day present last november.
that sweetie called me and apologised.
my dear ivan boy, sighs,
my heart just aches when he cries.
jos and others must be right,
i pamper him way too much,
and i've spoilt him,
cause he will always throw tantrum and cry whenever i'm there,
when others try to teach him from right and wrong.
urgh, whatever, i've just gotta urge to buy one for him immediately,
but i'm afraid that he will take it for granted.
like what jolene and jos had suggested,
buy him one back when he is done with his CA1,
his first official exam i can say,
cause he is in primary one this year.
if i'm right,
i believe that exams in kindergarden are meaningless,
as in, good and bad results don't matter.
he is in primary one,
and pris is in secondary one this year.
both had moved to a different level in their education,
which i good, and i'm happy for them. (:
like what i had mentioned in my previous post,
today will be a long day for me and yeh,
i'm still in office.
cause the center is having preview,
so gotta stay.
human resource needed. haha.
classes starting next monday,
i don't see any need for them to hold a preview today.
anyway, the preview ended already.
initially wanted to meet sokwei after work,
cause i thought i will be ending at 10,
and her class ends at 945.
should i meet her,
or home sweet home?
8:21:00 PM
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
didn't blog ytd,
and that means,
i wasn't at work. haha.
anyway, last weekend was really really great.
enjoy it till the brim! (:
baby darl gave me a real sweet surprise on friday night,
and i'm really happy,
told him plus plus points. heh.
shan't elaborate,
but photos will definitely be up soon. (:
oh ya, talking about pictures,
ff pics will be up soon.
alright, back to topic.
shopping with baby and jos at ms on sat.
got 3 dresses for myself,
and darl got 2 long sleeves and a pair of jeans.
dresses from zara and forever 21,
oh, i love forever 21 dress!!
bimbotic i know. =xlong sleeves from UCB and jeans from zara.
had sakae for lunch,
yeh, hana maki! heh.
went to bart's bday for awhile,
and when his dad sees me,
he was real happy and called me darling.
and his mum wanted me to help out and do PT,
but i already have a 'job'. haha.
darl came and picked me,
and we went to KAP to meet the rest,
tim, amilia, jolene and rufus.
crapped like hell,
and the place is like full of our noise.
rufus and his curly fries. haha.
went shopping again on sunday,
this time, we went town.
cos darl wanna get his shoes,
from zara, again.
rufus and jos both like it too,
and rufus bought the same pair in the end,
he couldn't resist the temptation. ahah.
and again, went vivo to shop ytd with mummy.
dresses from forever 21 again! hehe.
bought heels, leggings and accessories too. heh. (:
crapping so much with jolene,
and she is off for her lunch break.
and i'll be leaving soon.
yeh, i'm leaving early today, 3. heh.
long day for me tmr.
bye peeps!
1:40:00 PM
Friday, January 11, 2008
pat had duplicated another set of office keys for me,
so i don't hafta wait outside anymore.
if i happen to be early,
i will be awarded to wait outside the office.
that's why i no longer go work early,
cause if i do, i will wait like a fool outside the office.
so i rather not be early. haha.
yeh, i know its just an excuse for me to be late.
but who cares?
privellege is what i have. (:
i'm a little carried away right here,
gotta brainwash myself. =x
gonna meet up with my cousin and jen later.
and my boy haven't book out yet.
and its like i won't ever going to wear stockings again.
out of topic i know, nevermind. hehh.
gotta go!
3:58:00 PM
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
was free after lunch,
so yeps, changed my blogskin.
decided to blog before i go,
cause my daddy is here. heh.
feel so pathetic today.
met doreen jie before i came to work,
and reached office around 1.
she is having her off day,
and she can go home and sleep after meeting me.
anyway, jos met me and accompanied me for lunch.
he had his half day from work,
cause he is going to beach road to help my boy to get his army stuffs.
and again, he can go back home and sleep after meeting me.
met sokwei for a smoke,
cause her school is near my working place,
and she is going to school.
she didn't work today man.
its like, people around me ain't working,
yet, i'm in the office.
but nevermind, my daddy is here,
and i can leave anytime soon when he is done with his stuffs.
yeh, this is what i call, privellege. (:
6:19:00 PM
Monday, January 7, 2008
what a positive psych center, looool.
the people here are really very positive in thinking.
just like, dr foo- a very good example.
he used cooking oil to polish his leather shoes,
on saying that those leather polishers consist of the same ingredients.
real positive yet funny guy.
and today, he stepped on something sticky,
and it stuck on his shoes.
instead of complaining and finding them disgusting,
he 'explore' what it is and says,
"oh, its a lump of sugar.
but never mind,
better than chewing gum."
and he fed that lump of sugar to the pot of plant on his side,
saying that its good for the plants,
cause sugar equivalent to CHO.
what a joke, but really,
he is an impressive guy.
its not easy for one to be really positive.
i mean, compare myself with other colleagues,
i can't be like them.
yeh, i'm a happy-go-lucky gal who always smile,
but when i hate someone,
i will be prejudice against that person.
this colleagues, patricia,
can say 'thank you' to an ex-colleague of hers,
when her ex-colleague is the one finding problems with her.
woah, how positive can one gets.
if i really can be positive,
i might not be in this situation right now.
anyway, minutes till home sweet home!
3:37:00 PM
Friday, January 4, 2008
had been rather busy for the whole afternoon,
finally, i'm free to blog and surf.
was surfing thru' friendster,
and i saw mr pocky.
viewed his profile, yeh,
missing those times. (:
one of it was the first time he bought me pocky, i still remember,
we were at the canteen stall,
and he bought 2 box, 2 flavours- chocolate and strawberry,
and i just took them, stunned.
it was only after that, i realised,
he didn't know which kind i like.
and that guy will always dare me to bet,
then, the loser will have to treat the other one drink,
but still, though i lose,
i will still have pocky, strawberry pocky.
silly smile of me right now,
and that silly smile makes my day. (:
thinking back, recollecting the past,
and reflecting myself right now,
yeh, people do changed when they grow up.
funny to say, weird to say this now,
but eli was once a very shy girl. lol.
take that pocky thing for example,
i just take them, stunned thou its chocolate.
if it is the present me, i will just say,
i don't eat chocolate pocky. lol.
and i just realised,
i have yet make a wish to santa.
well, i hope its not too late.
all i wished for is just to be a kid forever and never grows up!
4:17:00 PM
Thursday, January 3, 2008
wanted to blog,
but i have nothing in mind.
so here it is,
9:53:00 PM
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
goodbye 2007, hello 2008.
happy new year.
its a
happy new year
how happy it seems to be,
i'm not happy at all.
looking at myself, looking at the time,
i'm still where i had started from.
looking at my surrounding, looking at my friends,
i have no freedom.
looking at my cousins, looking at my dad,
i have no achievements.
i wonder what had i been thinking of,
and how the hell have i spent the whole of 2007.
for almost the first half of the year,
i waste my time loving and holding on.
obviously, i was retarded and i wasn't happy.
for the second half of the year,
i'm loved, yet i'm still not happy.
i'm asking for more of myself.
just what the hell do i want in my life,
all i know is that i wanna have a life, to call my own.
but it seems so hard and now,
it seems like i'm no longer on track,
i no longer know what i wanna pursue,
i no longer know what i want.
my mind is just blank yet confused.
tried to be determined in my decisions,
but my heart were tendered by those guilty tears,
thus had controlled my conscious mind.
the ticking sound of the clock is dragging me on.
i know people, i should be contented.
i have been telling myself the reasons, the logics,
i have told myself to be happy.
i had tried to make myself feel positive bout' whats going on,
but i just can't help feeling the way i feel right now.
seems like that there is this big big bag of responsibilities that had fallen upon me,
and causing me to be so stressed up.
it is not as though like,
i'm tied down and controlled cos i have that fucking piece of shitty cert.
i don't have any rings roun' my fingers people,
i supposed to have freedom.
i'm unhappy, very unhappy with the situation now.
i wanna drink, i want to get myself high.
i wanna dance, and use the floor to shake away all my doubts.
i wanna party myself away and indulge into the music.
2:47:00 PM