Tuesday, July 29, 2008
eli is so clever; praise me.
ive got my wireless secured again;
this time, by MYSELF!
i'm so proud! (:
well, i couldn't connect to my wireless via my desktop for sometime already.
i couldn't stand it any longer that i always have to switch on my lappy just to be online.
so! i tried, trial and error several times and indeed! here i am blogging on my desktop!
so did i succeed? YES! -insert emoticon; a super duper big smile-
but well, i knew that i should not connect to my desky so fast.
i mean i should at least till next week cause i hafta do my observations,
and will be always tempted to go on net. (a very good example is NOW! oops.) heheheh.
i simply can't resist the temptation. hohoho.
sounds like magnum? good girls resist temptation; well, im a good girl. lmao.
met up with bb after my work; its the half-day work and school in the afternoon thing again.
i totally hate it; i looooove my attachment days man.
bb was sending the workers to MOL (? i only heard of MOM before), and since he's at keppel,
we decided to meet up for lunch.
bb, thanks for the effort. i love you! (:
i saw how 'unclean' bb was, he's really sick. he looks rather rugged. =/
terrible flu, cough, bodyache and giddiness.
i thought he won't be at work today, he's really sick during the zoo-out.
*b, hope you understand what i had told you at the carpark at kor's house.and just an hour of meeting up today. :(
its all cause i want him to rest, i don't wanna see him so tired and everything.
i care, unlike... yeh, you know it.
hopefully, he'll be better tomorrow.
praying hard...spoke to
spongy on the phone yesterday night; thanks for being there babe. (:
she's really a
good erupting ear and i feel so so much better.
what i wanted was simple yet you don't understand.
you told me that you did everything cause of me.
i know, i really do.i'm happy that you sacrifice yourself,
you love me.
i really do know.but i wanna the best for you love,
that's why i rather you not to, my dear,
and the reason is simple,
i love you.it just hurt me so to see you doing everything willingly yet tiredly.
i care; trust me. loves, eli.
12:50:00 AM
Sunday, July 27, 2008
little did i expect that you'll do that, my dear.
disappointed; yes i am.
maybe i'm doing too much.
i shouldn't push all the blame to you.
i shouldn't have reacted the way i did, i know.
i'm sorry, i couldn't control;
i love you, i trust you.i didn't know i did till what had happened.
i'm sorry for what i had told you i don't.
i'm sorry.
why must you? i really don't know.contradicting.
maybe i'm really doing too much,
i'm sorry.well, on a lighter note, its our 14 monthsary!
ZOO-out. not zouk out. proudly quoted from spongybob! lmao.
bb brought me there! how sweeet of my boy to do so.
jolene and rufus joined us; surprised for nick to join too (though he left early).
went for the animal friends show and splash safari? whatever you call that.
the sea lion is really cute and i looooove it!
wanted to go for the elephant show but we couldn't make it on time. :(
overall, its great! couldn't see my polar bear though.
but i hate the reptile thingy. the snakes. yikes!
bb was thoughtful enough not to drag me in the open space snake encounter thingy though he tried to psycho me. its a phobia you know.
i'm glad that bb understands.
thankyou baby.bb was complaining about that the python is even bigger than the anaconda, the crocodile is ugly and prefers alligator and bla bla bla. but i think that he enjoys this outing too yeh? loves!
rufus was being so hysterical and crappy throughout.
jolene has a fetish! afraid of crocs and yet, "i feel like seeing the crocodile again though i'm scare.'
hohoho. its like ages since the four of us spent the whole day together like this.
AND! had dinner together and coffee.
thanks baby! i love you. (:
ps: photos will be up sooooon! (the animal pictures are like more than the humans? heh.)
loves, eli.
11:12:00 PM
Monday, July 21, 2008
thought of the fact that i'm gonna resume my school next week,
and the fact that i'm gonna back to my half-working day thingy, and school in the afternoon.
i totally hate it; i rather work whole day.
those looooooong hours with my hunny bunch. hohoho. (:
was so busy with my assignments recently.
observations and positive guidance stuffs; shitty stuffs yo.
was so tired after work today, (ha! i'm not tired at all while i'm at it with the hunny bunch!!) heh.
then went dinner and silly b of mine is sweet enough to accompany me back home after dinner to do my work.
though he didn't stay for long, its all the thought that counts isn't it? (:
and i did complete my work without falling asleep. hohoho.
tell me tell me, im such a blessed girl. lalalalas.
i believe, by talking things out will indeed solve all the unhappiness.
i love you b!
and i'll definitely miss your roundy tummy when ya slim down. heh.
loves, eli.
9:27:00 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2008
i NEED to meet up with jo SOOOOON too.
AHHH. fjs eruption, and see all the steam then.
can't wait.
right, i'm so psycho. o.O
maybe, there will be time later. hmmm.
loves, eli.
4:03:00 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
gimme a reason to,
guide me thru',
tell me how.i wanted to lie; i can't.
i know, i can lie to everyone but myself.
i really wanted to, i can't.
forgive me.i need a way, shine on my way,
i know i'd let go,
but i hafta let go more.
you;you're in me baby.iloveyou; nobody could.contradiction.
loves, eli.
11:57:00 PM
Sunday, July 13, 2008
the feeling of being sick is never good;
what adds on to it is that b is overseas. :(
right, i was so random.
you can't expect eli to be sane when its like 4+? lol. pardon me. (:
b was telling me that he wanted to get me a gucci bag,
and asked me if i want it cause i'll always nag at him when he get expensive stuffs for me. xxx he got clever this time. weeee~
i told him i don't wanna be part of the stereotype-s.
you can see like 9 out of 10 people are carrying gucci when ya out.
its just so common, i rather have my leopard prints. heh.
so so so much better than the GG sign which everyone is carrying now. (:
but well, if i find the bag its nice, then why not? its not cause of the brand i'm carrying. haha.
right, b was away for like a few days and i've got 3 gifts for him;
one AX tshirt, one zara boardshorts and berms.
hoho, i'm trying to change my silly's image with those knee-length berms that i liked.
and he suits them!
talking about zara, their sales are always so unpredictable.
i just bought one berms at $89.90 for b like 2-3 weeks ago and now, the berms is like 50% off?
one more time was i bought a dress at e same price early this year and a week later i went back and its like $49.90? lmao.
maybe i should stop buying $89.90 stuffs from zara. hohoho.
anyway, i'm soooo happy to meet ky today!
its like ages since we last met eh? heh.
♥ my girlfriends; wonderful people. (:(:
loves, eli.
4:15:00 AM
Friday, July 11, 2008
maybe i shouldn't probe.
i'm so lost.
show me the way; give me the light.
tell me what to do.
loves, eli.
8:40:00 PM
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
you woke up early in the morning like any other monday morning,
without a perfect eyesight (glasses not on), you received an unexpected message from a socloseyetsonot friend, whom you treasure and you love;
how will you feel?
then, you received a gift from your close friend and she told you she bought it when she's out with her parents, how will you feel?
after so, you received a phonecall from another girlfriend of yours telling you that she had found something which you had been finding for very long (you only told her barely a few times and you didn't even remember telling her), how will you feel?
i feel soooooooo lovedd.
i feel sooooooooo blessed.
i feel soooooooooo thankful.
i'm so blessed to have these girlfriends of mine around me.
and i realised, all my girlfriends love me and pay attention to my loves or any little things that i had mentioned to them.
they remember, they cherish.
they never demand, they just hope.
they gave me choice, they love me.
though i had not been meeting some of em' often, they still care.
they are just so wonderful and i love them too.
well, if you're wondering who these beautiful souls are, they're
sokwei and
jolene respectively.
these ladies just brighten up my day and yeh, they are just so amazing.
bout' all the effort they had made, and all the things they had given me (not materialistic stuffs).
i love you girls; you all. (:
a true friend cares, a true friend will always be there.
people says true friend two is too many.
i say otherwise; my girlfriends are all worthy.
loves, eli.
12:19:00 AM
Sunday, July 6, 2008
saw my blogskin and got rather tired of it.
spend like lotsa time choosing the template and edited quite a few before decided on this.
i'm still not very happy with it though cause i don't like the entry corner which has 'boxes' for everyday's post. ughh.
but all added up to be close to perfect? cause of those pictures that i've added in.
ain't my silly boy just so adorable?!? heh.
and so i was complaining bout' my assignments which are gonnabe due tomorrow.
good news is that both my lovely lecturers had extended the due date. hohoho.
attachment starts in two days time, and will be doing it at my work place. oh yeh, gonna do the observations shit.
think i'm gonna die but it SHOULD be manageable since b will be away in hk for a short holiday.
bb darl just helped me with the theme this month and oh yeh, things are just so different when bb is around with me.
am i gonna perish when he's away? lmao.
i will definitely miss my silly thou. :(
and these are the overdue pics!
jo, will pass you the wakeboarding pics soon alright? remind me!

my silly; MINE.

her and the small jolene clone.
spongebob and patrick!
when is the last time i took pics w him? ONE YEAR AGO!

loves, eli.
6:42:00 PM
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
got my health checkup results today [supposingly last sat] and yeh, it just states there,
I certify that I have examined Elisabeth Lew and my findings are recorded above. In my opinion, this person is *FREE/NOT FREE from communicable diseases and *FIT/UNFIT for employment.
so ELI is communicable disease free! lmao.
silly b thought that its a FULL body checkup. lol, my silly boy.
anyway, i just realised i have 2 more assignments due on 7th July.
thankfully, its group assignment.
we had already present our pirates and now, its the hardcopy. so that's easy i think.
for the current module's group assignment, we had done nuts bout' it and last min of changing of group members today. how last minute we are. =x
and my ms office trial version [desktop] had just expired.
so i hafta do it on my lappy, which isn't a prob.
but how am i gonna print it man? hmmmm.
i wasn't comparing; i just miss those old times.
i wish i could turn back time, and change my everything.
maybe then, things will remain as it was before.
loves, eli.
6:07:00 PM