Sunday, November 23, 2008
oh anyway, i thought the pasta will be all soggy as i thought they would come together with the sauce.
they had packet it separately and in plastic containers.
convnient and EASY!

10:36:00 PM
the graduation concert is finally over.
all the hard work, all the OTs, all the children's effort; all paid off.
im so glad and relieved that the nursery children danced on the actual day itself.
ive watched the video of last year graduation concert and the younger nursery children didnt dance.
well, the teacher-in-charge of nursery 1 and me hafta danced on the stage with them though.
nevermind, the children are cute and as long as they danced, its all worth it! (:
we had a finale song: 'les ketchup'.
amongst the three centers, only the kids from our centers practiced.
you should see how our kindergarten children shake, its WOW!
initially our children stood in front and the playgroup teachers of other two centers brought their kids in front of our kids since they're younger.
my colleague said that only our kids had practiced therefore, they should stand in front.
its like, OBVIOUSLY.
you know how painstaking it takes to persuade the boys to shake bum bum,
and how hard it takes to convince them that boys can also shake bum bum.
lmao yes, ALL the children in our centre are very self-conscious of their looks and behaviors. (:
im so so so so PROUD of all the children in our centre.
3 cheers and 3 cheers for our kids,
hip hip HOORAY!
hip hip HOORAY!
hip hip HOOOORRAAYYY! *grins all over. =D
yes, pictures will be up soon but sadly,
no pictures are taken during the dance.
was toooo busyy.
had been having kinda the same nightmares recently,
its kinda scary.
unexpectedly, you made me realized why i love you.
i love my sweet sweet baby hun,
you know i do.
kisses all over, xxx.
loves, eli.
10:20:00 PM
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
rehersal for the year end concert is really tiring.
today was the full dress rehersal at the actual place.
everything is like so messed up;
- aisha was asked to be in charge of the music [short of one teacher, the IMPORTANT one]
- ethan appeared out of nowhere at the place [we didn't bring his costume cos' we thought he'd be at rainbow]
- what had happened is not going to be the same on that day
- there's no sound system for today so no microphone and really loud music [the music is played from aisha's lappy and the pathetic two DESKTOP speakers; this is how we practiced in school. THINK: school compared to a HALL]
- we did not bring the children's clothes for them to change and we didn't know that they'll having their lunch there at another branch
- MOST of the costume are stained with macaroni soup
- the strings for the bells are spoiled; need to redo AGAIN [the children keep pulling]
i can't imagine how it would be like on the actual day.
like what aisha said; hope the day will come quick and pass fast. lmao.
and i dont know what im gonna wear on that day.
there's a dresscode; all black.
firstly, it gotta be comfortable or should i say,
convenient for me to move up down, left right, everywhere.
a nono for heels and thus, i shouldnt wear too formal.
compared to the other two centers,
our center girls are SUPER conservative.
the other centers' boys and girls like change together into their costume in public? [by right, the audience area]
our center girls wouldnt change if there are boys and by asking this girl and this boy sit together,
they're shy already.
omg, tell me how adorable can the children in our center be? lmao.
our girls changed in the backstage; boys changed at one end and girls changed at another.
ps: one more lil angel this month; CAYDEN. hohoho.
maybe will bring him out for him to choose his present.
xmas is coming! can't wait.
prezzies time! (:
dear santa,
things i want for xmas:
blablabla, will let you know again!
and i just order pasta mania delivery. hohoho.
loves, eli.
7:45:00 PM
Monday, November 10, 2008
havent been uploading pictures of me and b recently eh?
we're like taking few pictures ONCE in dunno how many donkey months.
ahem. so its not that i had been lazy.

11:09:00 PM
sweet lil gifts from all the beautiful souls!
love b x infitity. (: <3<3

pretty pretty princesses marshmallow pillow <3

the whole stitch collection <3

proability:1/11 and ive got what i wanted.

prezzies from bangkok; 'gucci' lighter, from jo and rufus.

prezzies from bangkok: leopard prints cigarette casing.

prezzies from bangkok: leopard prints cigarette casing and lighter, THUMBS UP!
loves, eli.
10:54:00 PM
Sunday, November 9, 2008
trust and
common words that everyone thinks they understand,
yet everyone has a different definition of it.
and one word can have many different meaning.
do you really understand the point that the other party is coming from then?
here's what i had found out from the dictionary;
the meanings posted are the ones closest to mine.
*some words are deleted from the meanings, as i said,
closest to mine. (:
love; verb
1. to have love or affection for;
2. to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person).
to need or require; benefit greatly from.
respect; verb
- to show consideration for;
trust; noun
- reliance on the integrity, strength, ability of a person or thing; confidence.
patience; noun
an ability or
willingness to suppress restlessness or annoyance.
maybe certain things would not had happened,
if you understand my meanings earlier.
forgiveness is easy,
forgetting is tough; almost
at times, i can't help it but to wonder and think bout' it,
tried to stop myself.
its killing me.
i'm sorry.
pardon me, no questions please.
loves, eli.
10:51:00 PM
Saturday, November 8, 2008
disney princesses [esp ariel], stitch and piglet;
who do you think of?
leopard prints and never ending leopard prints;
who's e first to come to your mind?
people, if you don't know,
the answer is think of ME! (:
ive been getting quite a number of gifts recently;
leopard printed lighter cover and cigarettes cover,
a cute squarish 'gucci' lighter,
snacks from china; shanghai,
a cookie-d stitch keychain,
a totally cool collection of stitch keychains [b bought the whole collection for me],
and last but not least,
b bought me a marshmallow princess pillow
today! [yesterday since its over 12] lmao.
i tell you, im super lucky to got the cookie-d stitch keychain.
b was buying one of his gundam modelling kit at rapid culture @ cineleisure and i guess,
the guy over there recognized us since b bought the whole collection of stitch over there for me.
i was falling sick that day and was rather lethargic to shop even though b said that i could look at bikinis/sundress that day.
the cookie-d stitch keychain comes in a box and you would not know what's is inside,
which means, it gotta depend on your luck.
it has other cookie-d characters like mickey mouse, dumbo, chipmunk etc.
there were total 11 of them.
so the proability is only 1 out of 11 and i decided to spend that $5 somewhere else.
the kind hearted guy then told us that i could choose one box and he would not take a single cent from us since we'd been buying from him recently.
and TADA!
i got the stitch. im happy like mouse LA! lmao.
its not bout being cheapo but imagine,
you dont know the guy at all and he told b and me that i could take one to try my luck.
its rather sweet and kind of him but of course,
my roundy love b is
and that totally did cheer me up a lil and i know, b was glad to see that too.
will take photos of the lil gifts soon yeh?
maybe the next post, or the next next post or the..... (:
oh, the spongy fj beloved bread's mouse wakeboarding pics too. lol.
sweetheart b,
i will and want learn to love you more,
cause e
love i have for you will never ever be enough,
i wouldn't love you to the brim,
cause there ain't any.
it is gonna be never ending.
i love you, sweetheart.we'll never stop trying, will we?
loves, eli.
1:26:00 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
i think ive caught the flu, totally.
went to d doc ytd and got like 6 medicines in total?
lemme tell you, it sucks.
thankfully, its all tablets.
i miss asher boy; aww. i miss carrying him.
he cried for my attention and opened his arms wide,
wanting me to carry him.
he really makes my heart melt at ALL times but this time,
i can't. i don't wanna pass him the bug.
it hurts me, yeh know.
when he aint in school and is sick.
and seeing him being isolated away when the rest of the babies are sleeping,
you can hear the sound of glass breaking in my heart. lol.
i haven't been carrying him since monday?
its like so LONG.
shoooo flu, you irritating. go away.
year end concert is coming and everyone is busy with the preparations,
yet im home resting due to the flu.
just one day, and i miss the children so much.
though this is not my first day not at work, i tell you,
whenever im not at work, i couldn't stop thinking about my class and especially, asher.
its fcuking bored when ya home alone, and in order to get well,
you can only go under the fan speed of 1 and yet the head is not still,
its stuffy like nobody's business and worse still, im forbidded to sleep under aircon since monday night? shuckks.
its all sticky and sweaty all over and as long as i woke up from my bed,
i would bathe.
went straight into bed after got home from work ytd and woke up during the late evening just to bathe.
no aircon, sticky sweaty.
imagine, it totally yuck me out.
gonna shop for my lil angels this month,
its ivan's bday and asher's bday.
aww, my beloveds.
loves, eli.
12:45:00 PM
Sunday, November 2, 2008
im down with a slight flu which is making me feeling shitty +
ive lotsa things to do today, god damn assignments.
individual for art is super easy but the group, arghh.
a classmate of mine called me on friday and nagged at me that ive forgotten the assignment due date and that she hafta accompany her family on weekends AND she hate last minute work.
conclusion: she did get me fed up and i said i'll do all by myself.
yes, ALL of the group assignment work.
i did regret saying that though. shuckks.
took her quite a while to learn to send me the pictures by msn, oh yeh.
taught her sharing folder initially and she closed her window. (no wonder it had error in synchronising)
then told her to zip all and send to me in one big folder.
she zipped one picture into one folder.
no, im not laughing at her as i know she's learning.
but it was a sat and b was at my place waiting for me to be done with stuffs.
for a simple reason like this, it pissed me off.
i could only stuff my thumb into my mouth; suck thumb.
right, now idk wtf is wrong with my ms word.
it takes super long to insert picture and it is lagging.
did i said that ive assignments to do?
ive not yet handed in my attachment stuffs. how fcuked yeh?
on a lighter note, ive lost weight!! haa.
its like FINALLY yeh know.
if yeh're wondering why didnt i post pictures or have any post related with the trip,
i fell sick the second day and was in hotel room sleeping for the WHOLE day.
not even a single photo taken, oh! ONE. with b at the last day of the trip at the lift lobby. o.O
my cousin even commented on my friendter; guess what? there's no images of you at all in my camera. sth liddat. hohoho. very nice trip instead. =/
i think that was the reason for me to lose weight. haa.
back to the 45/46 kg me. HAPPY!! (=
the last time i took neoprints was like YEARS ago? lmao.
this photo makes my day. (:

loves, eli.
3:47:00 PM