Saturday, June 13, 2009
GETAWAY PICTURES ARE UP! (:im lazy to blog bout the whole trip.
pictures will do the talking,
and i will point out the interesting stuffs. (:
1. the hello kitty sweet is from bby before i leave.
he says, 'if you miss me, then eat the sweet. i know you can't stop missing me. so, in case you finish all the sweet, one day can only eat twice.'
sweeett? (:
and then he added, 'i know you will keep calling me, thats why buy sweet to distract you!'
2. wanted to go elephant riding but sw insisted on horse riding first.
anyway horse riding is SCARY!
i think the horse that im riding on is CRAZY.
i was friggin' scared and i told the horse that i love you.
and halfway thru', it just neighed its way.
right, i paid for 3 rounds but hell no,
i took one round and its good enough!!(:
3. the spa that we went was good!
and the ladies who served us are crazy, just like me and sw.
we took the couple room whereas the rest took a room each.
luckily we took the couple room, we're together.
we crap, joke and yes, had our first time together wearing disposable undies. hohooho.
4. had dinner at kelong during the second night,
and there's this funny fish [ive never seen before] served on the table.
i asked in chinese [on purpose not for the waiter to hear], what fish is that?
and the waiter just answer me in ENGLISH.
fuck, super embarrassed. =/
lesson learnt: there're indos who understand chinese too, despite their looks and their super long names.
ps: the fish is called, 'black groupa'.
5. their flaming lambo are assembled like waterfall. o.O
&& the dont have the sweet shot thingy after that, it burns.
6. and i drove the burgee [its that how its spelled?] from the beach club back t our resort!! (:
day one

4:50:00 PM