Friday, August 28, 2009
i thought i was thinking too much,
i still have the trust.
things have proven me wrong that day,
and despite so, it still keeps me wondering.
at least, ive seen the line.
disappointed, not the first time.
trust? not so easy eli.
capable of coping with this kinda things now.
sometimes i wonder..
its just a thin fine line between honor and shame,
its nothing but just a line drawing tales and truth apart.
thank god that ive my dearest with me.
today was a wonderful yet tiring [due to the lack of sleep] day with bby love!
movies, roaming around and simple dinner.
simple lil things which makes me complete.
ilove!! (:
12:27:00 AM
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
there are so many birthdays coming up,
and one is really giving me a headache.
i thought everything is settled, arranged and done.
while im on the net browsing for the stuffs,
i realized i had missed out a call.
i wanna make this year a perfect one,
by reaching out to everyone, no matter what.
everything is already confirmed and planned.
or at the very least, i thought it was.
but it wasn't.
now the concern is that if i were to make that call,
im afraid that there will be space constraint.
yet i wanna reach out to everyone.
arghhhhhh. damn it.
this turns out to be harder than i thought.
4:49:00 PM
Saturday, August 22, 2009
some kiddos parents thought that im no longer working as they seldom see me when they drop and pick their kiddos from school.
im working fullday, 9 to 6, at the center,
clocking in the hours for my practicum.
im on the midst of it but ive yet to create and prep the activities at the learning corners,
my lesson plans, reflections are not done up yet,
and worst, im indecisive bout' which class i should take.
its been ages since i conducted and had class with the nursery,
as i have been having class with the kinderones.
kinderones are no longer bout' abcs or 123s,
they learn vocab, grammar, vowels, addition, subtraction etc.
and i enjoy teaching these.
as i was taking another half of the nursery,
i was doing on small letter 't' w them and its just bout tracing of dotted lines.
no doubt its an achievement when i took the nursery last year,
and that from knowing not how to write their names,
to writing their own names with the dotted lines.
the sense of seeing them doing what you'd taught,
and capable of understanding,
the feeling is great!
i wanted to take nursery for my prac but the feeling is just different,
maybe its a lost of touch for quite sometime.
i helped them with their everyday life,
taught them self-help skills.
when it comes to academic, it feels different.
and if i were to take kinderones,
there's only four kiddos that i can take.
the rest are not at kinderone standard,
and the minimum of kiddos i should take is 8.
wanted to do my lesson plan for my prac,
but i left my notebook in the center.
gotta wait till monday. :(
i received a message from bby the other day;
baby sorry to inform you that no more swimming session for you till further notice cos seven month started. muack :)' -everything is quoted word for word.
he sounds like he's making some serious announcement.
sweeeeeeet lil bby boy! tons of lovess!! <3
gotta get back to my assignments as bby is also over my place preparing for his exams.
4:44:00 PM
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
17 August 2009 -this post was published a lil late. ignore this post if you wish, its just bout' my weekend. (:
had a weekend stayover over my cousin place;
and its really tiring.
baby kezman wanna me to do everything for him instead of his parents,
yiyi, shower for me. yiyi, i wanna drink milk etc.
luckily i was trained by my center and i can make milk up to 30 bottles at a go!
and will always wake me up at 11+/12 when he's awake.
he was really sad that im going home on sunday and even asked me not to go home.
what a sweet little boy he is. ultimate loves!
he's the enjoyment of my stayover.
tiring, it is but he's sucha sweet lil boy.
another enjoyment of stayover: cooking!
cang bro called us over for dinner for sat,
as his parents are overseas.
then i suggested that each one prepare a dish and..
off we go to sheng siong supermarket to get the groceries needed!
hmm, there isnt really a theme planned for the dinner,
but reflecting back; its when the
east meets the west and go thai! (:
fang prepared tom yam soup,
cang prepared rice, fried chicken, hotdogs, sausages and french fries,
gna prepared pizza,
and last but not least, the spaghetti prepared by me! hohoo.
kenny, jinghui and calvin didnt prepare anything though,
they just eat!
jinghui was complaining that why didnt we wake him up earlier so that he can cook too. hehhee.
as it is such a last min thing, heng and family missed the fun! :(
still, sucha small lil things will stay memorable forever!!!
happy with such a simple life,
if only bby could be there, it will be
gonna go out for a swim;
ive been swimming recently.
last wednesday, yesterday and today.
well, an exercise that i love to get rid of all the fats!!

9:54:00 PM
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Currently i'm using bby iphone t blog for fun.
work gonna be a killer tmr, family day carnival.
& cayden love ain't gonna b there. :(
6:57:00 PM
Monday, August 10, 2009
struggling with my individual assignment which is gonna be due tmr.
i dont feel like doing it totally!
but but but, joyce is on maternity leave..
so the new student admin, hmmm.
and group assignment is due tmr and ive yet to receive the pictutes from the babes.
its a tiring day.
cherish, will you?
ps: batam totally sucks.
will update more rgd the trip.
9:22:00 PM